How Our Lawyers Handle an Allstate Injury Claim

August 1, 2024 | Thomas L. Stroble
How Our Lawyers Handle an Allstate Injury Claim

When you suffer injuries due to an auto collision, navigating the insurance claim process can be complex and challenging. Allstate Insurance, one of the largest insurance providers in the United States, handles a significant number of injury claims each year.

For those seeking compensation for their injuries following a car accident, consulting a Michigan car accident attorney who can effectively handle an Allstate injury claim can make a substantial difference. Our lawyers have the experience, skills, and resources to handle your Allstate claim and pursue the best possible case result.

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Types of Car Accident Cases: Our Firm Handles

Image of a car accident that occurred on the stomach.

Our attorneys handle a wide variety of car accident cases. Some of the most common causes of collisions that lead to Allstate injury claims include:

Whether you suffer injuries in a rear-end collision, sideswipe accident, head-on collision, or any other accident, you can pursue compensation for your injuries and losses. A knowledgeable car accident attorney can handle your Allstate claim and protect your rights to fair financial recovery.

Injuries Often Resulting from Auto Collisions

When you suffer an injury in a car accident, you may require extensive medical care, which can result in severe financial burdens. Filing an injury claim with Allstate can help ensure you receive compensation to cover your medical expenses and other associated costs.

In your Allstate injury claim, you can seek monetary recovery after sustaining any of the following injuries:

Close up of a lady hands with broken arm signing insurance document after car accident .
  • Broken bones
  • Burns
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Head and neck injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Back and spinal cord injuries
  • Internal injuries

Our lawyers can assist by providing sufficient evidence of your injuries and the expenses and losses resulting from them. Working with an attorney gives you a greater opportunity to obtain the compensation you need to relieve the financial pressure.

No-Fault vs. At-Fault Allstate Insurance Claims

An important detail to consider when filing an Allstate insurance claim is the type of claim you’ll be filing. The claims process differs depending on whether your accident occurred in a no-fault or an at-fault state.

In a no-fault state, you will file a claim with your insurer, no matter who was responsible for the collision. You can file a first-party insurance claim with Allstate to obtain compensation for your injuries and related losses.

No-fault states have certain insurance requirements for drivers. For example, in Michigan, drivers must carry minimum insurance, which includes personal injury protection (PIP), property protection (PPI), and residual liability insurance. It includes protection for your injuries and property damage caused by your vehicle and in case you’re sued under special circumstances.

In an at-fault state, fault matters. Therefore, you will file a third-party claim under the at-fault driver’s Allstate insurance. The at-fault driver’s insurance can provide compensation for injuries and property damage.

Knowing your state’s fault laws is crucial, as this determines the type of Allstate claim you’ll file. A skilled car accident lawyer can assist with your claim.

Understanding the Allstate Claim Process

It’s helpful to understand the general claim process for auto insurance claims. Like other insurance companies, Allstate follows a structured procedure to evaluate and settle claims. This process typically includes:

  • Claim filing: The injured party submits a claim to Allstate, providing details about the accident and the resulting injuries.
  • Investigation: Allstate investigates to assess the claim’s validity, which includes reviewing accident reports, medical records, and other relevant evidence.
  • Negotiation: Allstate may make a settlement offer once the investigation is complete. Negotiations may follow to reach a mutually acceptable settlement.
  • Settlement or litigation: If a settlement cannot be reached, the case may proceed to litigation, where a court will decide the outcome.

A lawyer’s role is to guide you through each stage, ensuring your rights are protected, and your interests are effectively represented.

How Our Firm Can Assist You with Your Allstate Injury Claim

When you hire a car accident attorney to assist with your claim, you can feel confident knowing your claim is in the right hands. Our lawyers will handle every aspect of your Allstate claim, helping pave the path toward favorable compensation for your injuries and losses.

Our attorneys can help in all of the following ways.

Evaluating Your Claim

Car dealers or managers have offered special prices and conditions for car purchases with insurance.

The first step a lawyer will take is to assess your injury claim thoroughly. It includes:

  • Gathering evidence: Collecting all relevant documents such as police reports, medical records, and accident scene photographs. 
  • Evaluating damages: Analyzing the extent of the injuries and their impact on your life. It includes calculating your medical expenses, lost income, and pain and suffering. 

A clear understanding of your accident and injuries can help your attorney when it comes time to file your car accident claim.

Filing Your Claim with Allstate

The claims process can be confusing. Therefore, our lawyers can assist you with filing your injury claim with Allstate.

Your attorney will ensure the claim is meticulously prepared and supported by substantial evidence. It includes providing the insurance company with details of the collision and your injuries and submitting documentation, including medical records, proof of lost income, and any other evidence to support your claim.

Communicating with Allstate

Communicating with insurance companies can be particularly challenging. Fortunately, when you have an attorney on your side, all communications go through your lawyer.

Effective communication with Allstate is essential for a successful claim. Your lawyer will:

  • Establish contact: Introduce themselves as your legal representative and provide contact information for future correspondence.
  • Follow up: Regularly check on the status of your claim and promptly address any requests for additional information or documentation. 

Good communication can help ensure your claim runs smoothly and you avoid any potential complications.

Negotiating a Settlement

Your lawyer’s goal is to get you a fair settlement. Your attorney can utilize their negotiation skills to work with Allstate to settle your claim and get you the fairest possible result.

One of the most critical parts of negotiations is understanding Allstate’s tactics. Insurance companies, including Allstate, often employ various strategies to minimize payouts. Your lawyer is aware of these common tactics, such as:

  • Low initial offers: Insurance adjusters often offer injured victims quick, lowball settlement offers to see if they’ll accept it without further negotiation. Many victims do accept these offers, and when they do, they’re left without options for further compensation.
  • Delaying tactics: Allstate, like other insurance companies, may try to delay the processing of your claim. Insurers often do this to pressure the claimant into accepting the offer that’s on the table, even if it’s a low offer.

During the negotiation process, your lawyer aims to secure a fair settlement. It often involves:

  • Making counter-offers: Responding to Allstate’s initial offer with a counter-offer that reflects the full value of your claim.
  • Negotiating terms: Engaging in negotiations to reach a settlement that adequately compensates for medical expenses, lost income, and other damages. 

Negotiations can be stressful and time-consuming, but you don’t have to handle them alone. An experienced car accident lawyer can work with Allstate to get the settlement you need and deserve for your injuries.

Sending a Demand Letter

In the best-case scenario, Allstate settles with your lawyer, and you can close your claim. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen. When it doesn’t, our lawyers can send Allstate a demand letter.

A demand letter is a formal letter to the insurance company demanding settlement of the claim. The lawyer can include specific details about your accident, including how the collision occurred and your resulting injuries. At the end of the letter, the lawyer includes a monetary figure representing your claim’s value.

Upon receipt of the letter, Allstate can settle for the requested amount or negotiate with your lawyer. They may also continue to refuse to settle your claim, at which point our attorneys can take further legal actions.

Handling Litigation

While a successful settlement is the goal, it is not always possible, especially when the insurance company is difficult to negotiate. If your lawyer feels it is best to take your case to trial, they will continue to handle it and represent your best interests.

Filing a Lawsuit

reading lawsuit filings.

The first step of the lawsuit process is filing your claim in court. Your lawyer will:

  • Draft and file the complaint: Prepare a formal legal complaint outlining the claim, damages, and basis for the lawsuit.
  • Serve the defendant: Ensure all parties are formally notified of the legal action.

You can proceed with the lawsuit once your claim is filed and parties are notified.

Engaging in Discovery

During discovery, both parties exchange information and evidence. Your lawyer will:

  • Gather evidence: Collect additional evidence through depositions, interrogatories, and document requests.
  • Review evidence: Analyze the information provided by Allstate to help strengthen your claim. 

The discovery process is the most time-consuming of a lawsuit but usually the most important. Your lawyer will do everything necessary to get pertinent evidence and information to build your case.

Attempting to Negotiate

Once discovery has ended, lawyers on both sides are better equipped to revisit settlement negotiations. During negotiations, your lawyer will use the information they acquired during discovery to get you the most advantageous settlement.

Most claims are settled outside the courtroom. However, you can proceed to trial if negotiations don’t yield favorable results.

Going to Trial

During the trial, your lawyer presents your case before a judge (sometimes a jury). They present evidence and offer witness testimony, including expert witnesses and medical professionals. The opposing party has the opportunity to do the same.

At the end of the trial, the judge or jury renders their decision based on everything seen and heard. The verdict will dictate whether you receive compensation and, if so, how much you’re entitled to.

Our Lawyers’ Key Strategies for Success

Our attorneys will do everything they can to get you the desired outcome. Some of the key strategies include:

  • Detailed preparation: Thoroughly preparing all aspects of your claim, including gathering comprehensive evidence and consulting with experts to support your case.
  • Effective negotiation: Assertive negotiation with Allstate, making strategic counter-offers and leveraging the evidence to achieve a fair settlement.
  • Strong representation: Providing robust representation throughout the claim process, from initial filing to trial, ensuring that your rights are protected and your interests are advanced. 

When you have one of our lawyers on your side, you have the best legal ally. Our attorneys strive to provide the highest-quality representation from beginning to end.

When Should You Consult with a Car Accident Attorney Following a Collision?

After experiencing a car accident and suffering injuries, it’s common to feel overwhelmed. You may not be thinking about hiring an attorney or filing an insurance claim for compensation, but it’s important not to wait too long. Therefore, the sooner you speak with one of our lawyers, the better.

Some Allstate insurance claims end in litigation. Under the law, you only have a limited time to file a lawsuit. Depending on your state, the statute of limitations may only provide one to six years to file your claim. For example, in Michigan, you only have three years from the date of the car accident that caused your injuries.

When you hire a car accident lawyer, they can start working on your claim immediately. However, several steps must be completed before filing a lawsuit, and you want to ensure your attorney has sufficient time to handle your case properly.

As soon as you’re ready after your accident, please consult with one of our lawyers to proceed with your Allstate claim.

Trust Our Attorneys with Your Allstate Injury Claim

Car Accident Attorney

Handling an Allstate injury claim requires legal knowledge, strategic negotiation, and diligent representation. A lawyer’s role is crucial in navigating the complexities of the insurance claim process, from the initial evaluation of your claim to litigation.

By understanding the procedures, employing effective strategies, and advocating vigorously for clients, our Michigan personal injury lawyers can often significantly impact the outcome of your Allstate claim, ensuring that you receive the compensation you deserve.

Consultations are free, so you have nothing to lose by scheduling a meeting today to learn about your legal rights and options.

Schedule a Free Initial Consultation Today!

Thomas L. Stroble Author Image

Thomas L. Stroble


Mr. Stroble is a highly accomplished graduate of Michigan State University, with degrees in both science and law. He specializes in commercial lawsuits and personal injury cases. Licensed to practice law in Michigan and even the U.S. Supreme Court, he’s a well-qualified legal expert. Besides his career in law, he loves outdoor activities and volunteers as a part-time police officer in Birmingham.

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