The good news is that, in 22 years, medical negligence claims, such as emergency room errors and avoidable birth defects, sunk 56 percent across America, according to sources. During the same period, however, average claim sizes increased 23 percent, meaning although fewer claims are being brought to litigation, the remuneration is much larger today than before the internet boom. The mistakes are fewer, but they’re worse.
Medical injury victims should not let these facts scare them out of filing an injury claim against the tortfeasor. Doing so would not only help you on your journey toward justice, but could qualify you to receive compensation.
Michigan Injury Lawyers have worked on numerous medical malpractice cases where medical error caused severe injuries to Flint patients. If you or your loved one are suffering in silence after what should have been a routine surgical procedure or even a major operation, call us at (810) 922-2820 to schedule a discussion with an attorney who cares about your wellbeing.
Medical Malpractice: Know the Facts
Trailing only cancer and heart disease, medical errors in all forms are now an imminent threat. In other words, physicians who promise to care for the greater good, nurses and their ilk are responsible for killing more individuals than drug overdoses. Even respiratory diseases, which came in fourth.
Johns Hopkins research indicates that over 250,000 individuals are harmed each year due to medical errors. In fact, medical negligence has grown into a leading cause of death in America, although available data conflicts the exact number of men, women, and children that die each year.
Bear in mind, Johns Hopkins doesn’t account for prescription drug overdoses, which, in other cases, were successfully litigated as negligence issues against prescribing doctors.
Researchers in this study concluded that emergency room errors aren’t necessarily due to poorly trained or otherwise ‘bad’ doctors; rather, errors should be attributed to fragmented insurance, poorly coordinated care and absence of accountability in remedying such errors. Poor medical decision making is pervasive in negligence cases, with physicians to blame for many misdiagnoses and unethical surgical procedures.
All told, medical negligence costs U.S. taxpayers billions each year in some regard, whether that be in taxes, increased medical care costs or higher costs of long-term stays. With tech innovations being rolled out more frequently than ever, the hope is that negligence can be detected before it claims more lives.
Fighting Medical Malpractice in Flint
Absent statistical data, it’s impossible to know how many patients simply don’t retain an attorney because they fear their case is flawed.
That’s why you need to call Michigan Injury Lawyers. You may qualify for compensation if we can prove that physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, or psychologists have:
- Failed to provide adequate care when admitted
- Caused birthing injuries
- Prescribed either the wrong procedure or performed the right procedure poorly
- Ignored your treatment needs knowing an issue existed
- Gave you too much or too little of any life-saving drugs
As previously discussed, lawyers need only prove all elements of personal injury (duty to care, breach, causation, injuries connected to breach). There is no specific amount of compensation you may receive since each case has so many variables to consider.
Although separate, malpractice suits are possible when recalled medical devices such as the Bard G2 or vaginal meshes aren’t removed properly, and cause complications or death.
Benefits of Hiring Our Firm
Medical injuries induced by professionals who take the Hippocratic Oath are some of the most horrific, painful and costly injuries today. Luckily, our firm is equipped to handle cases of this magnitude.
This is what you can expect when hiring our firm:
- A thorough case review, including a full review of all facts that pertain to the injuries sustained by you or your loved one;
- Zealous representation from start to finish;
- Professionalism from every point of contact within our firm;
- Case updates as they are received by your assigned attorney;
- The potential for a fair settlement that you and your family can use to recover physically, and financially; and
- An initial consultation at no cost to you to determine if your case qualifies.
Michigan Injury Lawyers Fight Flint’s Medical Facilities
Flint’s hospitals cannot mistreat you or neglect you due to how you pay for services. They cannot discriminate or abuse you due to race, religion, color or nationality. Unfortunately, discrimination does happen, and the end result can be catastrophic or even deadly.
If you were misdiagnosed and injured, or have encountered anything during your treatment which seams afoul, you must act quickly to preserve evidence and have enough time to get a second opinion.
An attorney will help guide you on what specific steps to take, and will begin an independent investigation if required by the court. From there, defendants will be notified of the impending lawsuit, which allows them time to fight the claim. Medical records will be needed, which can be subpoenaed from the hospital or obtained on your own.
Medical malpractice suits are fact-sensitive. Physicians who are wrongly accused of malpractice may fight back ten times harder than you do just to clear their name, meaning there must be enough facts to bring a claim against them before reaching out to an attorney. Michigan courts put a stronger burden of proof on plaintiffs who allege medical negligence not because they’re out to inconvenience victims, but plenty is at stake for everyone.
Contact Our Flint Medical Malpractice Firm Today
A Massachusetts General Hospital study conducted by their Department of Medicine revealed that most medical doctors expect to face lawsuits at some point during their tenure. Medical mistakes and negligence are treated in two separate ways; one may happen without malicious intent, while the other requires an element of willful participation.
Countless patients who trust their medical care providers have lost their lives due to unwarranted medical injuries that stemmed from negligence to some degree. If you or your loved one have been injured or died due to preventable medical errors, you need legal help to navigate Michigan malpractice laws.
Schedule your consultation with Michigan Injury Lawyers today at (810) 922-2820 or email us, and we’ll see if we can help you with your Flint medical malpractice case.
Flint Office Location
3438 Lennon Rd,
Flint, MI 48507
Phone: (810) 239-5700
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