What are the Causes of Motorcycle Accidents?

September 10, 2024 | Thomas L. Stroble
What are the Causes of Motorcycle Accidents?

The last thing a motorcyclist wants to consider is being in a severe accident. While you can drive defensively on your bike, sometimes another party’s negligence can cause a devastating accident and injuries. Unfortunately, the Federal Highway Administration reports there were 4,462 fatal motorcycle crashes in 2009, and the number continues to rise. Thousands more motorcyclists suffer severe crash injuries every year.

Below, learn about common causes of motorcycle accidents. Then, talk to a Michigan motorcycle accident lawyer today to find out more and if you have a case.

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Most Common Reasons For Motorcycle Accidents

A Speedy Motorcycle in front of a car on the road

Motorcycle accident attorneys often see the devastation in catastrophic crashes caused by other drivers. Every motorcyclist needs to understand what causes these accidents so they can reduce their risk. You also should know that you have legal options if another party’s negligence caused your injuries:

Left-Turn Accidents 

A common cause of motorcycle accidents is when a driver turns left but doesn’t see an oncoming motorcycle. All drivers have a duty of care to motorcyclists, so they must drive carefully and make sure that they see any approaching vehicles before completing their turn. It’s estimated that left-hand turn accidents account for about ⅓ of all multi-vehicle accidents with motorcyclists.

Because motorcycles are smaller than cars and trucks, it’s harder for other drivers to see them. Motorcyclists can reduce the chances of left-turn accidents by wearing bright clothing and always having their headlights on. However, the other driver is usually responsible for damages and injuries caused by a left-turn accident.

Distracted Driving

As cell phones and tablets have grown in popularity, distracted driving is a bigger problem than ever. Car drivers may check their text messages or watch a video while driving. All that is needed is a second or two of inattention to cause a crash. The driver may swerve into oncoming traffic or run a red light. A motorcyclist who is approaching can have a fatal accident because of the other driver’s distraction.

A motorcycle accident lawyer can review your case if distracted driving is a factor. One piece of evidence may be the driver’s cell phone records, showing they were on their phone when the crash happened.

Blind Spots

Blind spots can cause accidents with any vehicle but are a significant concern for motorcyclists. Motorcycles are small and more difficult to see, so you can be hidden in a vehicle’s blind spot, increasing the chance of an accident. A motorcyclist should be especially aware of blind spots on large vehicles, such as commercial trucks and buses.

A recent National Transportation Safety Board study determined that 35 percent of deadly motorcycle accidents are related to drivers not seeing a motorcyclist in their blind spot. Let your motorcycle crash lawyer know if you think a driver hit you because they didn’t check their blind spot.

Reckless Driving 

Reckless driving, such as speeding and tailgating, is always hazardous. It can be even more dangerous when motorcyclists are in the area. A motorcycle accident caused by another driver’s reckless behavior can cause severe injuries, such as:

A common cause of motorcycle accidents involving reckless driving is a head-on collision. The other driver can be reckless, speeding, or distracted, then drift into oncoming traffic and a motorcyclist. A head-on crash is almost always fatal for the motorcyclist. Your family may be eligible to file a wrongful death lawsuit in this case.

Road Hazards

Road hazards are another major threat to motorcyclists because bikes are less stable and harder to control in an emergency. Many conditions on the road can be hazardous for motorcyclists, including:

  • Potholes: Potholes can cause a biker to lose control, especially if they are large and deep. You could have to take evasive action that could cause an accident. 
  • Debris: Various objects on the street, such as pieces of tire or rocks, also can be enough to cause a motorcycle crash. 
  • Slick surfaces: Wet leaves, mud, gravel, rain, ice, and snow all can contribute to motorcycle accidents. Reduced traction can cause a severe crash.
  • Uneven pavement: Areas under construction may have uneven pavement and can contribute to an accident. 

Sometimes, a road hazard can be caused by another party’s negligence, such as mistakes made by a road repair or construction crew. A motorcycle accident attorney may help file a claim against the liable state or local government agency.

Drunk Driving

Another driver may be drunk or on drugs and cause a motorcycle accident. Drunk drivers have poor judgment and coordination, making accidents much more likely. You should inform the police when they arrive if you think the other driver was drunk and caused your injuries.

Dooring Accidents

Dooring accidents are a severe risk to motorcyclists riding in large cities. They occur when a parked vehicle’s door is opened into the path of a motorcyclist or biker. The rider may not react fast enough, leading to a severe accident. Many states have dooring laws, and the offender can be charged with a misdemeanor if they cause an accident.

You can be entitled to compensation for your medical bills and lost income, if you suffered an injury on your motorcycle in a dooring incident.

Catastrophic Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Obtaining compensation for motorcycle accident injuries caused by someone’s negligence is critical. The reason is that many of these injuries are catastrophic and can leave you permanently disabled and unable to work. An experienced motorcycle crash attorney knows how to maximize compensation for the following catastrophic injuries:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Severe leg and arm fractures
  • Dislocated shoulders
  • Burns
  • Punctured lungs and organ damage
  • Shattered ribs
  • Paralysis
  • Amputations
  • Loss of eye

It’s important to think about the long-term consequences of severe motorcycle accident injuries. You can require much more compensation than for just your current medical expenses. An experienced motorcycle crash legal team works with medical, rehabilitation, and psychological experts to develop a complete understanding of your injury and prognosis. Then, they will demand the most money from the liable insurance company.

Compensation Options After A Severe Motorcycle Accident 

Giving giving money on account of motorcycle accident compensation

Every motorcycle crash has different accident factors, liable parties, and insurance companies. An experienced personal injury attorney can review your claim and outline the best option for maximizing your financial award. These are the possibilities for financial recovery:

Take An Insurance Settlement

Most motorcycle crashes settle with the liable insurance company without filing a lawsuit. So, many injured motorcyclists can obtain damages without filing a court case against an at-fault driver, property owner, or other party.

An insurance settlement is usually the best outcome for the accident plaintiff and defendant. You will often receive a faster, lump-sum payment without waiting many months for a court case to be scheduled and resolved. Your personal injury attorney is skilled in insurance negotiations and will demand the most money for your losses. Most insurance companies prefer to settle because taking a case to court is uncertain.

However, the insurance company may not offer enough compensation, so the next option is filing a personal injury lawsuit:

Personal Injury Lawsuit

If insurance doesn’t offer enough money, your attorney may recommend filing a personal injury lawsuit against the negligent party. The insurance company may decide to offer a higher settlement to end the case if your attorney files the lawsuit. Court litigation is expensive and takes time.

Most personal injury attorneys will negotiate for the most money and settle the case. Rarely, a motorcycle crash case may go to a jury. Your attorney will advise if it’s best to settle your case or go to court.

How A Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Helps Your Case

Anyone with devastating motorcycle accident injuries knows that it costs a lot to get medical treatments, and it’s difficult when you’re unable to work. Most motorcycle accident victims injured by another driver benefit immensely from having a personal injury attorney represent them.

An experienced motorcycle accident attorney will benefit your case in the following ways:

  • Review the facts of the accident and determine if you may receive compensation according to your state’s laws. 
  • Explain the claim and lawsuit process and help you through every step. 
  • Handle all legal and administrative tasks related to your motorcycle accident claim. 
  • Collect accident evidence to prove liability, including photos and videos of the accident scene, eyewitness testimony, accident reconstruction expert testimony, police reports and statements, and crash scene evidence. 
  • Negotiate aggressively with the responsible insurance company. 
  • Accurately estimate the value of your case by working with economists, doctors, and other experts. 
  • If necessary, file a personal injury lawsuit in court and represent you. 

Hiring an excellent motorcycle accident attorney takes all of these tasks from you. That way, you can concentrate on your healing and recovery. Getting better after a severe motorcycle crash will take all of your physical and emotional strength. You should let your attorney handle all of the stress about your case so you can heal your body and mind.

What To Do To Help Your Motorcycle Crash Case

Diagrammatic presentation of steps of motorcycle accident

There are key actions to take after a motorcycle crash that can help your case:

  • Get fast medical care: Many serious injuries happen in motorcycle crashes, so get fast care. Go to the ER or doctor immediately and have them check for injuries. You can have a severe injury that isn’t immediately visible. Also, getting to the doctor the same day ensures that your injuries are connected to the crash. The insurance company will check when you see the doctor and receive treatment. Don’t let them blame something else for your injuries! Get medical treatment immediately after leaving the scene of the crash. 
  • Document the crash scene: Take photos and videos of the accident scene before the affected vehicles are moved. The original crash positions can show conclusively how the accident happened. Your attorney will review the scene and damaged vehicles, but your visual evidence may be critical. Ask a friend or family member to take photographs and videos if you cannot. 
  • Document your recovery: You should document your injuries and recovery with photos, videos, and a pain journal. Your pain and suffering compensation can vary, so talking about your injuries and how they affect you can help. 
  • Retain an attorney immediately: Serious injuries often accompany a motorcycle accident, so you want to have a personal injury attorney represent you. 

Do You Have A Motorcycle Crash Lawsuit? 

Obtaining compensation in a motorcycle accident lawsuit means proving that another party recklessly or negligently caused the accident. It means your motorcycle accident attorney must prove that the other party had a duty of care, breached their duty, caused the crash, and suffered injuries and damages. Your attorney knows how to prove these elements of negligence with some or all of the following evidence:

  • Eyewitness testimony 
  • Crash scene evidence, including tire marks and vehicle damages
  • Accident reconstruction expert testimony
  • Video and photographs of the scene
  • Surveillance video coverage, if available

Working with a motorcycle crash attorney on your case will boost your odds of obtaining compensation from the other party. In most cases, the liable party may be another driver texting, speeding, or engaging in other reckless behaviors. However, the accident could also have been caused by a defective motorcycle or part or the local government if improper road design or construction area led to the crash.

Your motorcycle accident attorney will analyze your case and determine all potential liable parties. Identifying who caused the accident is the first step to obtaining compensation for your medical bills, lost income, and pain and suffering.

Speak To A Motorcycle Accident Attorney Today 

You have severe injuries and lost work time when someone hit you on your motorcycle. Don’t think you must pay your bills and other losses out of pocket. You should have an experienced motorcycle accident attorney represent you immediately. A motorcycle accident attorney knows how to prove liability and maximize your compensation. Speak to a personal injury attorney in your area today for free, and don’t pay unless you win.

Thomas L. Stroble Author Image

Thomas L. Stroble


Mr. Stroble is a highly accomplished graduate of Michigan State University, with degrees in both science and law. He specializes in commercial lawsuits and personal injury cases. Licensed to practice law in Michigan and even the U.S. Supreme Court, he’s a well-qualified legal expert. Besides his career in law, he loves outdoor activities and volunteers as a part-time police officer in Birmingham.

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