When a negligent driver causes a car accident, the vehicle driver and occupants on the receiving end can suffer severe injuries, including neck and back injuries. The seriousness of an accident victim's injuries will typically depend on the type of car accident, the number of separate vehicle collisions, and the force of those collisions.
If you suffered a neck or back injury in a recent car accident, always retain an experienced attorney who can handle every aspect of your case from start to finish.
First, your lawyer may investigate the accident circumstances and determine precisely how it occurred and who was responsible. Your lawyer can then file a claim on your behalf with the appropriate insurance company.
The total value of a car accident neck and back injury claim can vary considerably from case to case, depending on the circumstances. Therefore, there is no such thing as an average value for one of these cases.
In general, an individual who suffers a broken bone or permanent neck and back injury is likely to receive higher financial compensation than an accident victim who suffers less serious injuries.
By retaining an experienced Detroit car accident attorney in your case as soon as possible, you significantly increase your chances of obtaining favorable monetary compensation for your neck and back injuries.
In addition to answering your questions along the way, your attorney can represent you during all settlement negotiations or pursue litigation in the state court system on your behalf.
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Types of Car Accident Neck and Back Injuries
The types of neck and back injuries that a car accident victim may suffer will depend mainly on the prevailing circumstances. In some cases, the force of a collision is so severe that it causes an accident victim's neck and back to move abruptly forward and backward.
As a result, the accident victim may suffer a soft tissue contusion, broken bone, or other serious injury. At other times, if the force of a collision ejects the accident victim from their vehicle, they may suffer a complete or incomplete spinal cord injury or a full/partial paralysis injury.
One of the most common types of injuries that accident victims suffer is a soft tissue whiplash injury. This type of injury usually occurs when the force of a collision causes an accident victim's neck to move abruptly forward and backward. As a result, the accident victim may experience significant pain, requiring that they undergo surgery or other operations. Additionally, the accident victim may need ongoing physical therapy to regain full range of motion in the neck.
Another common injury that may happen in a car accident is a broken bone in the neck or back, such as a vertebrae fracture. To treat this type of injury, an accident victim may need a spinal cord fusion or other invasive medical procedure.
Finally, victims of severe car accidents may suffer a complete or incomplete spinal cord injury and full or partial paralysis. A spinal cord injury typically occurs when one or more spinal nerves become severed in a car accident. As a result, the accident victim may suffer permanent damage, including paralysis, which limits or cuts off the messages that usually travel through the spinal cord.
A partial paralysis injury typically limits an accident victim's movements and sensations in a limited number of body parts. An accident victim with complete paralysis may have no sensation or functionality in their limbs or even torso.
After suffering a neck or back injury in a car accident, accident victims must seek prompt and ongoing medical treatment.
For example, in this type of injury case, the accident victim might consult a neurologist for ongoing medical care. They may also undergo an invasive medical procedure or attend physical and occupational therapy sessions, depending on the nature and extent of their injuries.
Following your treatment instructions for a neck and back injury increases your chances of recovering fully. You also show the insurance company adjuster handling your case that your injuries are serious, that you took your medical treatment seriously, and that you deserve to recover favorable monetary compensation for your accident-related losses.
While you focus on getting better, a car accident attorney in your area can start advocating for you. Specifically, your lawyer may begin gathering your medical treatment records, medical bills, police reports, and other documentation to use as evidence in your case.
Once your medical treatment is nearing completion, your lawyer may submit a settlement demand package to the insurance company adjuster and start pursuing a favorable monetary settlement.
Types of Car Accidents That May Cause Neck and Back Injuries
When individuals are involved in a car accident, the force of a collision – along with their bodily movements inside the vehicle – may cause severe neck and back injuries.
These types of injuries are especially common in rear-end or tailgate accidents, where the front of one vehicle strikes the back of another vehicle. In a tailgating accident, the accident victim's body can move forward and backward abruptly, leading to soft tissue neck and back contusions.
Individuals may also suffer neck and back injuries in a head-on collision, where the front of one vehicle strikes the front of an oncoming vehicle. These accidents are common when another driver is not paying attention to the road or is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
In a sideswipe accident, on the other hand, the side of one vehicle strikes the side of another, usually because the at-fault driver is distracted and not paying attention.
Finally, a T-bone or intersection accident happens when the front of one vehicle hits the side of another vehicle. Depending on the force of the collision, the second vehicle may spin around rapidly, causing the driver and any passengers to suffer soft tissue neck and back injuries.
If you sustained neck or back injuries in one of these car accidents, you should consult an experienced car accident attorney as quickly as possible. Your lawyer can evaluate your circumstances and file the appropriate claim with an insurance company. Your lawyer can then negotiate on your behalf in pursuit of the fair monetary damages you deserve for your accident-related injuries.
How Does a Car Crash Typically Happen?
Car accidents that lead to neck and back injuries are unfortunately all too common. First, car crashes frequently occur when other drivers disregard standard traffic laws.
Common traffic law violations that lead to car accidents include:
- Failing to yield the right-of-way to another vehicle at the appropriate time or failing to yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian who is lawfully present in an intersection crosswalk
- Exceeding the speed limit
- Disobeying various road signs, such as entering a one-way street from the opposite direction
- Failing to use a turn signal when switching travel lanes or turning onto another road
- Failing to use rearview and side view mirrors, as well as technological devices on vehicles, such as backup cameras
In addition to common traffic law violations, a traffic accident can occur when another driver operates their vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Unless the driver is a minor who is under 21 years old or a commercial vehicle driver (such as a tractor-trailer operator), a driver is legally intoxicated if a breathalyzer device or chemical testing determines their blood alcohol concentration is 0.08 percent or higher.
The law severely penalizes DUIs and other drunk driving offenses because intoxicated drivers are usually unable to operate a vehicle safely and carefully.
For example, an impaired driver might experience limited concentration, delayed reaction time or reflexes, blurred vision, limited concentration, impaired judgment, and poor muscular coordination.
As a result, an intoxicated driver may not see another vehicle, or they may be unable to stop their vehicle in time to avoid a serious accident.
Car accidents can also occur when a driver operates their vehicle in a distracted or inattentive manner. For example, instead of paying close attention to the road, traffic, and surroundings, distracted drivers may read or send text messages or read something else on their phones.
A driver may program a GPS or pay close attention to GPS directions, which causes them to look away from the road. These are only some activities that may cause a driver to lose concentration, preventing them from seeing other vehicles in time to avoid a collision.
Finally, car accidents may occur when people drive recklessly. To get ahead of other traffic, a reckless driver may aggressively weave through lanes without using a turn signal, cut other vehicles off in traffic, tailgate other vehicles, or pass another vehicle in a designated no-passing zone.
If you suffered injuries in a car accident that resulted from one or more of these types of negligence, you should consult a knowledgeable car accident attorney in your area as quickly as possible.
Your attorney can go through all of your legal options with you and file the appropriate claim to get you the monetary compensation you need and deserve for your injuries.
Filing a Car Accident Legal Claim for Monetary Damages
Victims of car accidents may be eligible to file various types of legal claims in which they can pursue monetary recovery for their injuries and other accident-related losses. First, if the car accident happens in a no-fault jurisdiction, like Michigan, the accident victim can file a claim under their Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance coverage.
As part of a PIP claim, the accident victim can receive monetary compensation for their related lost income and medical expenses. However, if they suffered a permanent or disfiguring injury in their car accident, they can involve the insurance company for the at-fault driver.
As part of a third-party personal injury claim, an accident victim must establish various legal elements of proof.
First, they must demonstrate that the other driver owed them a legal duty of care, which they subsequently violated, such as by breaking one or more traffic laws.
Next, the injured accident victim must establish that as a direct result of the other driver's negligence, the subject accident occurred, and they suffered injuries, including a neck or back injury.
As part of a third-party personal injury claim, accident victims may receive certain types of monetary recovery and damages.
In addition to receiving compensation for their medical expenses, lost earnings, and loss of earning capacity, they may pursue compensation for their intangible losses, such as loss of spousal consortium, pain and suffering, lost quality of life, loss of use of a body part, mental distress, inconvenience, permanent disability or disfigurement, and long-term or lifetime care costs.
A skilled car accident attorney in your jurisdiction can provide you with an estimate for the likely value of your case through settlement or litigation. Your lawyer can also take the necessary actions on your behalf to pursue and recover the financial compensation you need for the injuries you suffered in your accident.
Speak to a Knowledgeable Car Accident Lawyer Right Away
If you recently suffered injuries in a motor vehicle crash, you must take certain legal steps to recover the compensation you deserve. Accident victims only have limited time from their accident date to file a lawsuit seeking financial and legal recovery for their injuries.
Given the short timeframe, always consult experienced legal counsel about your case as quickly as possible.

As soon as your attorney enters an appearance in your case, they can begin advocating for you and your legal interests. Specifically, they can determine the type of insurance claim to file in your case and aggressively negotiate with settlement adjusters on your behalf.
Furthermore, if the insurance company does not make you a fair monetary settlement offer, your lawyer can explore litigation options in your case, represent you in all legal proceedings, and pursue an efficient and favorable resolution to your legal matter.
Consulting a trusted Detroit personal injury lawyer costs you nothing, as case evaluations are free. You can ask any questions and learn whether you have a legal cause of action and right to compensation. Seek your free consultation today.